Purchase Options Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy
Some items in our store may be offered to you as a subscription, a pre-order or try before you buy. This cancellation policy lays out how you can change or cancel these kinds of purchases.

When you purchase a subscription you'll receive repeat deliveries. These are based on the subscription duration and frequency that you select.

To get your 15% subscription discount the only stipulation is that we require the first two payment intervals. After the initial two payment intervals if you want to cancel or change your subscription, you can do it at any time. Your order confirmation emails have links to your order. You can manage your subscription from there. 
See our returns policy for more details on returns and refunds.
Your payment details will be stored securely and you'll be charged for each of these orders, unless you choose to pay in advance. 
Some subscriptions may auto-renew at the end of their duration. If you don't want to renew a subscription you can cancel it.

When you purchase a pre-order, you are buying an out-of-stock or soon-to-be-available product not yet in inventory. We may collect no payment or a partial deposit at checkout, store your payment method, then fulfill and charge the full or remaining payment at a future date.
You can cancel a partially paid pre-order order that has not yet been fulfilled. If the order has been fulfilled, then you can't cancel the order, but you can request a full or partial refund. See our returns policy for more details on returns and refunds.